In recent years, many new technologies have been developed such as 5G & CDN. Not only that, currently end users have a lot of content requests so they need low latency and a fast network. We present a solution for ISPs/Telecommunication Operators & Content Providers to deal with this problem. With the MicroScale Data Center, we design data center development according to the needs of operators, this is because the MicroScale Data Center is built according to data center standards in general, modular design and lower CAPEX. MicroScale Data Center can be built by anyone and anywhere. While there is no single standard for micro data center design, MSDC must be able to meet the challenges faced by many operators and content providers without having to provide a traditional data center.
MicroScale DC Benefits
MsDC deliver several business benefits including:
Quick deployments: MSDC deployments are far quicker than conventional data center installations. due to limited resources and a minimal development
Reduced cost: The standardized and modular design of MSDC lower CAPEX
Scalability: MicroScale data centers allow businesses to incrementally scale up based upon demand. This allows for a more elastic and agile approach to infrastructure that is conducive to rapid growth.
MicroScale DC Power Distribution
Standby UPS & Generator
Recovery Time 300 ms (ATS)
Single Path with Redundant Components (N+1)
MicroScale DC Standarization
Currently we are not certified, but we have standardized according to the RATED II (REDUNDANT COMPONENTS)
Data Center Availability
Level of Vulnerability (from Disaster)
Power Source & Cooling Distribution
Single Path with Redundant Components (N+1)
Data Center Facilities
18” Raised Floor, Standby UPS & Generator
Preventive Maintenance
Backup System (Full Support)
Data Center Scalability
Small Enterprise
MicroScale DC Security Layer
24x7x365 Standby Security Officers, with Strict Standard Access Procedure. Fill the log book, document checking, equipment checking, etc.
No one can freely entry each DC Floor. The access door, equipped with biometric access, only the floor captains can open the door
No visitor can enter the room without our supervisor guys. the key access will not be given to the visitors